Tuesday, June 10, 2014
Santo Rik Pablo and The Reckoning
What is a game? A game can be anything you want it to be. Some people make a game out of life, some out of love, some out of money, and more yet out of running. Running is a game, but started as a method of transportation and survival. Early man would often run across vast stretches of wilderness with hyenas in pursuit, desperately pumping his leg muscles in a struggle for survival. But did this survival really mean anything? Why did early man choose to run, and not become food for the hyena? The hyena could very well need the food that the man would provide it, and could die without this man's flesh. So the hyena is also in a fight for survival. Why then, does the man choose to deprive the hyena and instead save himself? The answer is remarkably simple: he wants to win.
We all just want to win. That is the essence of a game. Winning.
My favorite game is the game called Music. Back when I first started playing Music, I wasn't sure how one was supposed to win. I remember asking myself "this music thing sure is fun, but how do you win?"
The question troubled me for a long time, until I began to realize that the people who in my eyes were "winning" music were often also the people making the most money because of it.
Then it hit me. Money. It's all about money. I really had begun to question the whole point of music and art in general, until I realized it was all about the recognition. There is no point in self-expression unless people like what they see enough to pay you to do it again.
Creating Santo Rik Pablo and the Reckoning was a challenge because the game either ended up too easy or too hard and it was very difficult to get it at a reasonable level of difficulty.
Fix ALL the Scratch problems!
2: http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/23473547/
3: http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/23473835/
5: http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/23474219/
Dude, 4. I just couldn't, I have no idea what to do. But anyway number 5 was challenging and I fixed it by making you feel bad when you lose. I very angrily made a loser backdrop that appears when you touch the color of the walls of the maze, which is green. Light green. 5 was a challenge because I couldn't think of a way to make the cat bounce off the green walls so I just made them like lava or something, which also works and in my opinion makes the game much more fun. YOU LOSE!
Dante's 5 Levels of Scratch
Sunday, June 8, 2014
The Scratch Massacre
A variable is something in our lives that is constantly in flux. Sometimes we have constants, like age and growth, but sometimes the variables of life include: how many fish you eat. Every time a fish is eaten, you just gotta remember to increase your score by one. That's a variable. With a program, it can be an automatic function. It was remarkably easy. I'm not sure how to explain it. Just put the command there. Set the correct effect to the correct cause, and suddenly your thoughts and life are cohesive. Count those fish. Track the massacre.
Triple-threat Scratch-teractions
Puzzles 3 4 and 5 were my quest. I solved them all with if/then blocks and sensing blocks. If touching blue, sing the note. If touching red, sing the other note. If touching the other dude, say the thing. You get me. You totes get me. It was surprisingly easy after viewing those precious precious precious precious precious precious precious precious precious precious precious precious precious precious precious precious precious precious videos. I like her voice. It is smooth like a baby's skin. The notes part gave me inspiration, because I want my game to music related because I like music because I have ears. Two, actually. Hey, holy handbarrow, Batman, you do too!
The Scratchventure part two: more BUGS! (when will it end?)
Why look, a second bug: http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/23379008/
Three bugs? Ok then, I can deal: http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/23379191/#player
Four bugs is a bit much, don't you think: http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/23379503/
Sweet God they're everywhere!: http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/23379623/
One debugging strategy I used was to make the dinosaur become hidden whenever a scene appears that doesn't suit him. Or her. Whatever. This is like the normalest thing I've ever written.
It's all about identifying what info is being miscommunicated or left out. Tips. Wait blocks help things happen in an orderly fashion, and broadcasting gets rid of roadblocks in the script. Just to name a few.
Scratch and the meaning of Art
The stage is an art gallery. Our players, two wealthy art critics. Look and see! They shall show you the true worth of emotional expression. Only through the opinions of others can we see the truth behind a piece of art and learn to appreciate it in an identical way. Only when there is a universal consensus as to the meaning of a piece of art can it be truly considered art. The comments made on the stage send out broadcasts that signal the stage to change. The art cycles. The first piece is lost to memory and mediocrity and the second becomes the focus. Any kind of art exhibit functioning in this capacity would use similar changes of scenery. My classmates scene changes are inferior to mine, inevitably. Mine are art.
Scratch Conversations: The Key and the Seeker
Thursday, June 5, 2014
Scratch Characters: a spiritual cleansing
This is my thing. Here. Here ya go. Happy? I'm happy. It's art. The complex story between these two increasingly complex characters, who are indeed derived from real people, is a deeply personal one. The entirety of my soul went into this activity. Nay, twas more than an activity. It was creation. To program your own world... I once again felt I was God and all others in this world were simply pictures for me to paint, or mirrors for me to reflect myself onto. I was piecing together minds, as I always have, but in a more tangible way. In a visible way. When I hit the share button, a rare strain of blood flowed into my emotions and sparked something truly miraculous between the sides of my skull. I had put my own Godliness into a visual form for any and all to see. It's exhilarating, the idea of getting more and more and more and more attention. This is what the story of Chava and his other encompasses.
Thursday, May 29, 2014
My Many Scratch Adentures: a Collection (we the people)
1.2 http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/22923994/
1.3 http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/22924151/
1.4 http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/22924257/
1.5 http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/22924356/
TEN BLOCK CHALLENGE http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/22868664/
HTVC010P http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/22810752/
Tuesday, May 27, 2014
Tuesday, May 13, 2014
The Honey Spot
The Honey Spot is a magical place for all the honey of the world wide web to come together and discuss interests/romance/bees. Enjoy watching the sweet honey ooze down this webpage.
Links and more links
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Honey
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m4WkVp94GAQ
- http://www.thedenverchannel.com/news/honey-oozes-from-walls-of-home
gooey pleasure
Before continuing on to our honey forum and online dating service, please enjoy these still images to warm yourself up
Rave Reviews AND MORE
good shit
Friday, May 9, 2014
Bland HTML assignemnt number four
the first heading
the first paragraph
the second heading
the second paragraph
- List
- List
- more list
- Hey
- Look
Thursday, May 8, 2014
I'm your God now
Listen. Hey. Listen to me. Hey. Hey you. Ya, you. Listen. Listen to me, dammit. Hey. Hey. You. Listen. Listen to me. Listen to me, you... you gotta listen. Hey, wait, hey! Hey! Hey! HEY! LISTEN TO ME, dammit. please. Hey, man, dude, hey, please. Just listen for a second. Hey. hey. hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey ey please plaessa plalp pleass opaelase please pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppl
Tuesday, May 6, 2014
Friday, May 2, 2014
Wednesday, April 30, 2014
Monday, April 14, 2014
So I wanna make an encyclopedia of information I'm interested in. Like peels.
Thursday, April 3, 2014
Am I Human?
Is Eliza human? Am I human? The human brain is a very complicated computer. This is pretty much common knowledge, but still astounds me even now. I made Eliza tell me to shut up and say that all my ideas were dumb. I'm sure there are people who automatically respond to things just like Eliza does. Maybe you say the exact same thing to your Dad every morning as he drives you home. As you step out of the car, you quietly murmur "bye Dad", and it doesn't really matter if you said it loud enough to be heard, cause his automatic response is "bye Willy, have a good day". Or maybe it's "great". How can I not remember? It's happened hundreds of times at least. Oh God I'm one of those people who haven't turned in Google Scholar. I better do that instead of this. But that's ok, this feels like a metaphor.
My arms are bent.
Tuesday, April 1, 2014
the FRend
I am commander of the birds! With great and gracious patience I watch as each piece is set in place, and WOOSH! The birds come to life under my infallible orders. They are promises that cannot be broken, commands that must be followed, for, what could be done but their following? What actions can those pathetic little creatures take except the ones I tell them to make? Do they even know how to disobey? I am God now, little bird. The pig, my subject, is your enemy, a tool to fester your fervor. You will not disobey me because you love me. And you hate the pig. These feelings, combined with a healthy dose of mindless ignorance, makes you a perfect little peasant. And I am king. God loves totalitarianism.
Number 12. I have encountered a zombie. At first I was frightened. God leaps from his throne at this sudden change, but soon finds himself rising from the puddles of his own fear, and taking on this new challenge. Challenge? Nay, it is easy, as this zombie is an even better representation of my assertiveness. What better way to exercise my authority than on a dead, submissive human being? It sounds almost sick, but it's also just a computer game. NO IM GOD
Friday, February 28, 2014
Wednesday, February 26, 2014
One: The colors. Searching images by color will help me immensely. The colors of the world are very important to me. I only want the right ones. House color, fruit color, fruit color, fruits colours, etc.
Two: "Site:". I have been dreaming of this day. The day I would learn how to search on a website without actually going to the website.No more typing in urls and waiting 5 minutes for the goddamn page to load just so can watch a video of someone making a homemade blast furnace.
Three through six have been omitted for the purpose of
“Things are sweeter when they're lost. I know--because once I wanted something and got it. It was the only thing I ever wanted badly, Dot, and when I got it it turned to dust in my hand.”
“I don’t want just words. If that’s all you have for me, you’d better go”
“A woman should be able to kiss a man beautifully and romantically without any desire to be either his wife or his mistress.”
“She was dazzling-- alight; it was agony to comprehend her beauty in a glance.”
“I shall go on shining as a brilliantly meaningless figure in a meaningless world.”
“unloved women have no biographies-- they have histories”
“She was incomprehensible, for, in her, soul and spirit were one - the beauty of her body was the essence of her soul. She was that unity sought for by philosophers through many centuries. In this outdoor waiting room of winds and stars she had been sitting for a hundred years, at peace in the contemplation of herself.”
Wednesday, February 12, 2014
All the Powers of old Europe have entered into a holy alliance to
exorcise this spectre: Pope and Czar, Metternich and Guizot,
French Radicals and German police-spies.